Addiction Treatment on the Outskirts of Tucson
About 30 minutes northeast of Tucson, nestled between the Santa Catalina Mountains to the north and the Rincon Mountains to the east, sits the small community of Tanque Verde, AZ. Here, you’ll find neighborhoods with names like “Madera Mesa Estates,” “Millstone Manor East,” and “Forty Niners Country Club Estates.”
Quiet, upscale ranches and quaint businesses like Desert Trails Bed and Breakfast and the Barnyard Crafthouse and Eatery are scattered throughout the area for residents to enjoy local food and beverage products. But what about drug rehabs in Tanque Verde? This upper-class area seems about as far away from an area with any area that would have challenges with addiction – but the fact is, no area – not even areas like Tanque Verde, AZ, is spared from the pitfalls of drug and alcohol addiction.
If you or someone you love is faced with a substance abuse issue in Tanque Verde, AZ, and needs drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs, Catalina Behavioral Health provides treatment for mental health disorders, and the additional challenges perpetuated by these disorders.
In the following sections, we will outline the therapy options for inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient programs, and other levels of care for drug and alcohol addiction recovery found at Catalina!
Drug Detox and Rehab Helpline
Drug Abuse Can Happen Anywhere
Many people look at a place like Tanque Verde, AZ, and assume that drug addiction doesn’t impact this quiet desert oasis. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
In many areas of Arizona, dealing with the overwhelming and stressful process of finding addiction treatment can be even more challenging than normal. The reason for these excess difficulties is actually a product of several potential scenarios.
First, areas like Tanque Verde, located in more remote regions, can present transportation problems for those looking for drug rehab programs. This is especially true if the level of care is anything besides inpatient rehab.
Second, while it’s true that Tanque Verde residents experience drug abuse challenges, the issues aren’t as widespread as they are in major cities. This often leaves the families of those seeking chemical dependency treatment in the dark and how to navigate the situation.
Convenient Solutions for Addiction Support in Arizona

This is why it’s vital that residents have access to quality substance abuse treatments, even if it means driving a half-hour to the most appropriate facility. Many residents are reluctant to attend treatment because of the negative stigma that comes with drug and alcohol rehab centers.
Some people may also be nervous and uncertain about the types of treatment that might suit them best, mostly due to the lack of awareness from living in areas where drug abuse hasn’t been addressed on a large scale.
That said, what can Tanque Verde residents expect from the treatment programs at Catalina Behavioral Health?
We’re right in the Catalina Foothills of Tucson and have multiple formats for addiction recovery. If you’ve never attended addiction treatment, you’re probably curious about drug rehab centers near Tanque Verde, AZ, and what to expect during your stay. Let’s unpack all that we offer.
What to Expect at Substance Abuse Treatment Programs Near Tanque Verde
The first step in finding the right substance abuse treatment center in Tangle Verde, AZ is the intake process. During intake, you’ll want to be as honest as possible when answering questions about your substance abuse history. This is critical if you want to receive the right personalized treatment plan.
Some of the specific questions you’ll hear include:
- What is your drug of choice?
- How often do you use the drug?
- How long have you been using drugs?
- Do you take any combination of drugs?
- What types of mental health challenges are you having?
- and other similar inquiries.
The purpose of these initial interviews is to use them as a guide for crafting the most effective personalized treatment plan. No two cases of substance abuse are the same.
Gone are the days off when clients were treated with umbrella remedies for mental illness and substance abuse disorders at rehab centers everywhere. Addiction is a complex problem that requires a proactive, comprehensive solution.
Depending on your substance of choice, the next step is typically medical detox.
Medical Detox for Tanque Verde, AZ Residents

At most treatment centers, medical detox is available in the same facilities as the actual recovery program. It’s worth noting that not all clients are candidates for medical detox, as this solely depends on the drug you’re recovering from.
Normally, substances that require assistance from a treatment program include:
- Opiates/Opioids
- Benzodiazepines
- Alcohol
Methamphetamine is included on this list in rare cases, depending on the severity of the addiction.
During medical detox, clients receive care at a treatment facility equipped with 24-hour medical staff. They’re kept in a hospital setting while doctors and nurses monitor their vitals to ensure they remain stable.
Medical detox is one of the most vital points during the recovery process. It’s during this time that most clients relapse and face the most significant medical challenges.
Medications and Staying Comfortable During Detox
During your stay at Catalina Behavioral Health, you’ll receive medications to help relieve the discomfort of withdrawal during the detox period. This may include items like muscle relaxers, antidepressants, and natural remedies. This helps eliminate stomach issues and restlessness and helps you get much-needed rest while you detox.
It’s worth noting that any medications prescribed during this period are only temporary and aren’t intended for long-term use unless directed otherwise. After detox, your personalized treatment program will outline your next step in the recovery process.
It’s highly recommended that you enter our inpatient recovery center immediately after completing detox. Your chances of success are much higher, especially if you’re not able to make your way back onto the streets before you’ve had a substantial amount of clean time under your belt. This is a critical element for relapse prevention, as most users aren’t ready to return to normal life immediately after the process of detoxing.
Inpatient or Outpatient Treatment Near Tanque Verde, AZ
As mentioned earlier the recommended course of action is immediate enrollment into an inpatient treatment center. However, some situations are better suited for outpatient treatment, depending on the circumstances.
Clients who show little to no signs of underlying mental health conditions, or have a much less severe collection of substance abuse issues may be able to manage their substance use disorder with outpatient treatment.
Outpatient Therapy

During outpatient for chemical dependency, clients will attend sessions for about 2 hours per day, at a rate of twice per week. Clients are able to return home at night but are encouraged to continue to pursue avenues outside of treatment to further enhance the recovery effort.
Other situations when an outpatient treatment program may be more appropriate include:
- Clients who must remain at home in the evening for work or other obligations
- Clients who have young children who must be supervised when out of school
- Clients who help family or friends with medical issues who need constant care
During outpatient, clients have access to the same forms of therapy used during inpatient, although far less intense. One day out of the week they may have an opportunity to engage with peers during group therapy or bring in family members to participate in family-focused options.
If you decide to opt for inpatient, the following section outlines what to expect from inpatient treatment centers near Tanque Verde.
Immediate Help for Drug Addiction Treatment
Our Tanque Verde Residential Rehab Program
Choosing the right Tanque Verde inpatient facility gives you the best opportunity to remain focused on long-term recovery. During your stay at these facilities, you’ll have 24/7 access to doctors, nurses, and staff.
You’ll work closely with your treatment team to develop and adhere to your personalized treatment plan, which is your roadmap to recovery. Depending on the results of your assessment, the severity of your addiction, your drug of choice, and your underlying mental health condition, you have a wide variety of options for therapy during your stay at Catalina Behavioral Health.
The Convenience of Inpatient Treatment Close to Home
You’ll meet with psychologists and addiction specialists several times throughout the day with breaks in between. Regular group therapy sessions are also a significant part of recovery. Meeting with peers who are experiencing the same feelings and emotions as you are can be extremely therapeutic, allowing you to make a connection you can’t make with a counselor or mental health professional.
We also encourage you to get your family involved. Addiction is one of the number one causes of broken homes and failed marriages. Getting your spouse or other family members to actively participate in your recovery not only forges new bonds and mends painful scars, but increases your chances for recovery after exiting treatment. Family is one of your primary support pillars, which you’ll find is a vital aspect of your post-treatment experience.
Types of Therapy Available at Tanque Verde Treatment Centers

The type of treatment you receive is possibly the single most important element of the recovery experience. At Catalina Behavioral Health, we offer a wide assortment of different modalities, all focused on different forms of healing. We’ve outlined the most common options in the section below.
Behavioral Therapies
The old way of treating addiction meant using the rationale that addiction is a moral dilemma. However, this has proven to be less effective than more current models that treat co-occurring disorders.
The belief of dual diagnosis and other behavioral therapies is that at the center of every addiction, there’s an underlying mental health disorder that perpetuates substance abuse. This can be a number of mental health disorders, including anxiety, eating disorders, depression, OCD, and many more.
Advocates of dual-diagnosis treatment and other behavioral therapies claim that mental health disorder is the cause of addiction and not the other way around. Old models leaned more towards the idea that because addiction was a poor moral choice, it led to mental health disorders. However, demonstrates the opposite of this.
Our Dual Diagnosis and Trauma Informed Approaches at Catalina
If the underlying mental health disorder isn’t treated, the client remains in a state of recovery and relapse. They may achieve sobriety for a short period. However, eventually, the mental health symptoms, at which point they return to drug abuse to mask the symptoms of the lingering mental health challenge.
There are many different types of behavioral therapy. However, the two most commonly employed at Catalina Behavioral Health are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.
- CBT. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy subscribes to the idea that substance abuse is perpetuated by the way we view the world around us and how we respond to different situations and triggers. During CBT, clients learn how respond to their thoughts and situations in a more positive way. This is done by replacing the act of using drugs as a response measure, and instead taking on more productive ways to deal with thoughts and emotions.
CBT is actually broken down into multiple forms of smaller therapy sessions, including exposure therapy or writing your thoughts in a journal. Clients who suffer from OCD, paranoia, and anxiety have responded positively to CBT in most situations.
- DBT. Dialectal Behavioral Therapy focuses on treating clients who view themselves in a negative manner. They usually have strong emotions and feelings regarding their self-worth, often subscribing to the idea that they’re not good enough. This form of therapy helps those who typically act impulsively based on how they view or feel about themselves. DBT consists of group and talk therapy and teaches clients how to remain present and process emotions as they come.
Holistic Methods and Personalized Treatment at Catalina

Holistic forms of healing during the recovery process are growing more popular as time goes on. Many assume that holistic refers to “organic” or some sort of healing using alternative or herbal remedies, but this simply isn’t true.
The word “holistic” refers to “the whole.” In the context of addiction treatment, it’s a powerful tool to provide clients with relief and therapeutic remedies that benefit the “whole client,” including the mind, body, and soul.
During holistic forms of treatment, activities include things like group therapy, surf therapy, yoga, pilates, and other types of physical activity. Art therapy is another popular type of holistic treatment.
These types of exercises encourage the client to work out their minds, bodies, and spirits. It’s believed that when a client is able to remedy these three dynamics at once, the chances for recovery as much higher. We exist as one unit, so why not treat every aspect of our existence?
What Happens After Drug Rehabs in Tanque Verde?
After Tanque Verde rehab you’ll ultimately return to your family and daily life. At Catalina Behavioral Health, we believe the tools we provide you for post-treatment are just as important as the tools we give you during treatment.
This means that in the days and weeks leading up to your final moments at the facility, we’ll prepare you to take measures for continued recovery long after you leave. We can help you identify and create the proper support system so you’re not alone after you exit treatment.
You’ll also leave with information and referrals for group meetings around Tanque Verde, Marana, Tucson, and Rillito. You’ll also learn about our alumni program – one of our most powerful tools for the aftercare process.
Stay Connected with Aftercare and Alumni Programs

Our alumni program allows you to stay connected with the individuals you attended treatment with, along with the staff and personnel at Catalina Behavioral Health. During treatment, you’ll build bonds that last a lifetime, as this is an integral moment in your life.
Staying connected with the individuals involved will be a constant reminder to help hold you accountable and strive for long-term recovery. It also helps clients remain active in the community.
Alumni members get together monthly or bi-monthly and organize activities in the community. Whether it’s cleaning up trash at Saguaro National Park, volunteering at Redemptorist Renewal Center, or speaking to and helping the youth at the Tucson Boys and Girls Club, the alumni program is an excellent way to be a productive and valuable member of your community.
Licensed Drug Addiction Treatment
Get Lasting Recovery in Tanque Verde With Catalina Today
At Catalina Behavioral Health, we work with most insurance agencies, including AHCCCS, AIHP plans, and most private insurance carriers. While drug rehabs in Tanque Verde itself present few options, we’ve helped many members of the Tucson and Tanque Verde communities achieve long-term sobriety and remain active in recovery. We welcome clients from all across the country who travel for our powerful program and compassionate staff.
For more information on how we can help you achieve your recovery goals, contact a member of our admissions team today. All calls are confidential, so reach out now to get options!