Programs for Marijuana Treatment Support at Catalina
Today’s world is stressful. For some people, unwinding by smoking a bit of herb or eating some edibles with their friends seems innocent enough. And it can be – if it stops there. If you work somewhere that tests for substance use, though, you may find yourself needing to detox for marijuana in a hurry. And if marijuana use escalates to something that interferes with daily life, getting effective detox options and support becomes essential.
Though marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs, many employers still test for it. Additionally, it’s very easy for that occasional use to turn into more and more, until weed takes over and replaces a lot of other things in your life, like work, school, and even the pursuit of happiness.
Whether you’re looking for advice on detox methods for marijuana or are worried that your marijuana habits are getting out of control, you’re in the right place.
Keep reading to learn more about the detox process, withdrawal symptoms, and what you can do to get help at Catalina Behavioral Health if you’re struggling with marijuana abuse!
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How Long Does it Take to Detox from Weed?
The amount of time for the natural THC detox process depends on the type of drug test that you are trying to pass. Drug testing detects the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in your blood, sweat, urine, hair, or saliva.
In the case of oral swab tests, they only detect THC for about 24 hours after use. THC can also be detected in sweat for 7-14 days, urine for 1-30 days, and hair for up to 90 days after use. Blood tests only detect THC used within 2-12 hours of the test.
Generally speaking, it takes up to 30 days for marijuana to completely pass through your body and be out of your system. However, since THC bonds to fat cells, some individuals might still test positive on a urine test for more than a month after quitting.
There is a risk of withdrawal symptoms when detoxing from marijuana, especially if you are a heavy smoker. These are usually worse between days 3 and 6 but can last up to a month.
What is THC and What Are Its Effects?
THC is the abbreviation for tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive component found in marijuana. Essentially, this is the compound responsible for making you feel “high” when you consume weed.
THC also produces several other effects. In the short term, marijuana use can improve mood and lead to feelings of euphoria. in many cases, it can affect short term memory, and in some instances of excess use, cannabis can also cause a greenout, a condition similar to blacking out from alcohol.
THC can also alter your senses, like making food taste better or colors more vivid. It also can change your mood, alter your perception of time, and impair things like memory, thinking, and problem-solving.
In cases where a large amount of weed is consumed, the user may have symptoms like delusions, hallucinations, and even psychosis from cannabis detox.
How to Detox from Weed

There are several methods for THC detoxification. Some are going to be more effective than others. Their effectiveness also might vary depending on factors like your metabolism, body weight, how often you use, and how you consume the marijuana.
However, there is a lot of uncertainty with these methods. They will work for some people, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll pass a drug test.
Many of these methods also have side effects and only remove THC temporarily. If you have an important test to pass, you may want to buy at-home marijuana drug tests to be sure you’re clean.
Do THC Detox Drinks Work?
THC detox drinks can work for marijuana detox, but they don’t work for everyone. Drinking an excessive amount of water dilutes the THC traces in your body. However, it also makes your urine sample clear.
The ingredients in a detox drink mimic urine, so it isn’t obvious that you are trying to pass your urine test. Detox drinks are also sold alongside detox pills and sometimes you’ll need both for a pass.
Using a detox drink comes with risks like bloating, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pains, nausea, and vomiting. If you have the time, natural detoxing may be best.
Do Detox Pills Work for Marijuana?
Detox pills contain high levels of vitamins that help remove THC metabolites from your body. You’ll also need to drink a lot of water with detox pills to help flush out the metabolites.
Once you drink water and urinate several times, it should remove all traces of THC from your system. You’ll usually pee clean for several hours after consuming the detox pills. Of course, usually is not a guarantee, no matter what the companies selling such products may maintain.
Like other detox methods, detox pills come with a risk of mild side effects. There is also no guarantee of passing drug tests, just like with detox drinks. Timing is very important when using either of these methods because they don’t remove THC completely.
Do Detox Shampoos Work?

Detox shampoos are often an option people consider when they have to pass a hair follicle drug test. Marijuana can be detected in hair follicles going back at least 90 days. Usually, detox shampoos include a shampoo that exposes the hair shafts, a purifier that removes toxins like THC, and a conditioner to repair the hair shaft.
Detox shampoos do significantly reduce the levels of THC found in hair follicles. Bleaching or dying hair also reduces levels of THC. However, neither of these methods is 100% foolproof and trace amounts of THC might still be detected in a hair follicle test.
Do THC Detox Kits Work?
Detox kits contain things like herbal supplements to take before, during, and after your cleanse. Some detox kits might include a drug test and you should also get thorough instructions for your cleanse.
Often, you’ll also need to eat a specific diet to get the best possible results.
Though these can be effective, there is still a risk of side effects when using a detox kit. It’s not uncommon for a THC detox kit to have a laxative effect and they are not safe for pregnant women or people with health conditions to use.
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Will Mouthwash Help You Pass an Oral Swab Drug Test?
Marijuana can only be detected by an oral swab test for up to 24 hours after you have smoked. So, the easiest way to pass is to avoid smoking for the day before your test.
If you do use mouthwash, there’s a good chance that you’ll pass. There is also mouthwash made specifically for cleaning toxins like THC from your mouth. However, not many employers are going to use this method of testing because it’s so easy to trick the test.
Home Remedies for Detoxing from Weed

There are numerous home remedies online that people swear by for marijuana detox. Let’s take a look at some ingredients for detox and what they do in the body.
- Green tea is full of antioxidants and catechins. When you drink green tea regularly, it boosts your metabolism, improves liver detoxification, and removes toxins like THC from your body.
- Milk thistle contains a compound called silymarin. These compounds help detoxify and support liver function, as well as help remove THC metabolites from your body.
Other popular methods for detoxing include using cranberry extract, cranberry juice, B vitamins, Vitamin C, dandelion root, apple cider vinegar, gelatin, or other ingredients for a body flush.
Even though methods like drinking apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice have anecdotal evidence to support them, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to pass drug tests using them. Additionally, even natural ingredients have a risk of side effects.
Will Synthetic Urine Pass a Drug Test for Marijuana?
Synthetic urine can be used to pass a drug test for weed or other substances, however, it’s not a guaranteed pass. The biggest problem with synthetic urine is that it has to be heated to the right temperature in order to pass.
Many urine drug tests measure the temperature of the urine sample and it has to be within a certain range. If the synthetic urine is too hot or too cold, you’ll likely be asked for another sample.
How to Detox from Marijuana Faster

Home remedies aside, some people find that their recovery from using marijuana is easier when they provide their bodies with the right support for the detox process. These THC detox methods won’t work instantly but they often have fewer side effects than the above methods. They also support the body’s natural detoxification processes.
Drink Plenty of Water
Many of the THC detox products mentioned above recommend drinking a lot of water after consuming their product. This is because water is essential to your body’s natural ability to remove THC metabolites from your body. It also promotes frequent urination and bowel movements that remove toxins and other waste from the body.
This can also help with skin issues such as acne worsened by weed consumption, as water flushes the system and dermis out.
Detox with Your Diet
Your body has its own detoxification processes that help eliminate THC metabolites. Eating foods rich in fiber helps naturally flush toxins by promoting healthy bowel movements and gut health.
Try to reduce or avoid fatty foods and eat a generally healthy diet when detoxifying too. THC metabolites bond to body fat and it can make it harder to detox.
Exercising Regularly
Cardiovascular exercise is a great way to burn fat and release THC back into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the metabolites can be eliminated in sweat or urine.
If you have an upcoming drug test, though, you should avoid exercising. Intense physical activity burns fat cells, which can release THC metabolites and temporarily increase the THC traces in your body.
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What Are the Best THC Detox Methods?
The best THC detox method is going to change depending on what type of test you are going to take. For example, you wouldn’t use mouthwash to pass a urine drug test or use detox drinks if you’re taking a hair follicle drug test.
Of all the THC detox options, quitting marijuana for a month or two before your test is the best detox program. During this time, support your body’s natural detoxification process by eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, and getting exercise regularly.
Sometimes, marijuana detox also means putting a support system in place. Contact our team at Catalina to discuss treatment solutions today!
Can Marijuana Detox Cause Withdrawal Symptoms?

While marijuana detox is generally considered less intense than withdrawing from harder drugs like cocaine or heroin, you can still have withdrawal symptoms. People who consume large quantities of marijuana for a long time are at the greatest risk of having symptoms.
In addition to affecting your mood, suddenly stopping marijuana after heavy use can cause physical symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can start 1-2 days after quitting but are most prevalent between days 3 and 6. Here are the most common marijuana withdrawal symptoms:
- Anxiety or depressed mood
- Irritability
- Anger or aggression
- Loss of appetite
- Disturbed sleep or dreams
In addition to these symptoms, some people experience stomach pain, chills, headaches, sweating, and physical tension. If these are severe, consider talking to a medical professional like our team at Catalina to learn about treatment options today.
Detox for Marijuana: Can You Be Addicted to Weed?
Yes, you absolutely can be addicted to marijuana. It’s true that many people can smoke it once or twice a year and not crave it. That isn’t the reality for everyone, though.
Some people use it to self-medicate, just like alcohol or other drugs. Other people get addicted because using weed becomes a habit that they have a hard time breaking.
You may be addicted if you’ve had a hard time not using weed, especially if you’re a heavy or daily smoker. People who are addicted also experience symptoms when quitting marijuana, especially if they’ve been self-medicating an underlying condition like depression or anxiety.
What is a Cannabis Use Disorder?
If you’re struggling with a possible cannabis use disorder, you aren’t alone. According to national surveys, an estimated 5.8% (16.3 million) of marijuana users report having a cannabis use disorder. Fortunately, that means there is plenty of support at places like Catalina Behavioral Health.
What Are the Long-Term Effects of Using Marijuana?
Many people consume marijuana for the short-term results and the “high” feeling it produces. In the long-term, though, smoking marijuana causes breathing problems like lung irritation, cough, phlegm production, and greater risks of lung infection. It also increases heart rate for several hours which increases the risk of heart attack in older or at-risk individuals.
For pregnant women, marijuana use is associated with problems like lower birth weight and increased risk of brain and behavioral problems. Additionally, THC can pass through the milk of breastfeeding mothers and cause developmental problems.
Some people also develop Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS). CHS is most common in heavy, long-term smokers and has symptoms like dehydration, intense nausea, and vomiting that require hospitalization at times.
After Marijuana Detox: The Next Steps

If you’re struggling because of the hold cannabis has on your life, you aren’t alone. The first step is identifying that you have a problem. If you need support with detoxing, particularly if you are having unpleasant symptoms, inpatient treatment at Catalina can offer the support you need while your body adjusts.
Other people find that a partial hospitalization program or intensive outpatient program provides the level of support they need. These programs involve several hours of therapy each week, depending on a client’s individual needs. Twelve-step programs are another option for group therapy.
Individual therapy is also helpful when detoxing from marijuana or other drugs. Most people use substances for a reason and therapy can help identify that reason. It can also help you develop coping skills for handling stressful situations.
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Get Marijuana Detox Support at Catalina Today
You don’t have to detox from marijuana on your own! Call us today and speak to our team to learn about the resources in place to help people like you quit. Whether you need help managing withdrawal symptoms or are looking for support as you quit, we can help.
We offer dual diagnosis and mental health treatment as standalone services as well, to help treat the underlying causes that often drive excessive cannabis use. From inpatient to outpatient options, we can and will provide the assistance needed to help you or a loved one get healthy and happy.
Start taking back control of your life, and reach out to Catalina today!