Home Alcohol and Drug Rehab Resources How to Help an Alcoholic Wife
Alcoholic Wife

How to Help an Alcoholic Wife

by Eduardo Reyes
Published: Updated:

Coping With and Getting an Alcoholic Spouse Treatment

Do you have a wife with an alcohol problem? Living like this can put a terrible strain on your life. Weโ€™ve put together this article on the difficulties you may face while living with an alcoholic wife, and also provide you with a template of how to help.

For more information on getting your wife the assistance she needs, keep reading for effective approaches and how Catalina Behavioral Health can help today.

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Facing an Alcoholic Wife: Struggling with a Partnerโ€™s Addiction

Having an alcoholic wife can impact every aspect of your life. Here are just some of the problems you may have to battle with if your wife has an alcohol problem.

Coping with Stress and Anxiety

Coping with Stress and Anxiety

Living with an alcoholic wife can be extremely stressful. You may feel anxious about what your partner will do next, constantly worrying about their behavior and how long it will take for them to stop drinking. You may also feel guilt or shame over not being able to stop your spouse from drinking, which can lead to feelings of depression.

You might also have difficulty sleeping due to worrying about your partnerโ€™s alcohol consumption late at night or early in the morning. You need to find healthy ways of coping with the stress that comes along with having an alcoholic wife such as exercising, journaling, talking to a professional, or practicing a relaxation technique.

The situation can also heighten tension among family members, and even lead to intimate partner violence in some cases. This makes effective substance abuse treatment if your wife is willing (or can become so) even more imperative.

Financial Troubles

Living with a wife with an alcohol use disorder can be costly in more ways than one. Not only do you have to pay for your partnerโ€™s alcohol, but you may also suffer from financial losses due to their irresponsible behavior. This could include expensive medical bills due to health problems caused by drinking, repairing a property that was damaged during intoxication, and even legal fees if your partner gets into trouble because of their drinking.

On top of this, it is likely that your partnerโ€™s paycheck is not going towards paying necessary bills such as rent or utilities due to them spending it all on alcohol instead.

Negative Impact on Personal Life

Having a wife with an alcohol addiction can take a toll on your personal life. You might find it difficult to focus on things such as work or school, making it hard to advance in your career or get the grades you need. The constant stress of living with an alcoholic partner may lead to strained relationships with family and friends who donโ€™t understand what you are going through.

Impact on Children

Alcoholic wife - Impact on Children

If you have children, living with a wife with an alcohol addiction can be especially difficult. You may worry about them seeing their mother drunk or being exposed to dangerous behavior associated with drinking, such as violence or recklessness. You might also feel guilty for not being able to stop your partner from drinking, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and depression.

Remember that alcoholism is a disease that cannot be cured overnight and it will take time before your spouse is able to recover. Your children need support during this difficult time so make sure to make time for them and let them know they are loved no matter what. Consider family therapy to help your children get over this experience. Family therapy can also benefit you and your wife.

Take a look at this article from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for more info on families coping with mental health and substance abuse problems in their families.

Standing in Your Community Affected

Having an alcoholic wife can take a toll on your standing in the community. Other people may make assumptions about you and your family or even judge you for not being able to stop your partner from drinking. This can lead to feelings of shame and embarrassment, making it hard for you to enjoy social activities or engage with other people in the community.

If your spouse is arrested or charged due to alcohol abuse, this could further damage your reputation among friends or neighbors.

Health Issues

Looking after a partner with alcohol problems can be incredibly stressful and have an impact on your own health. You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, not knowing what you can do to help them or ease their suffering.

Stress is known to cause physical illnesses such as headaches, chest pain, and high blood pressure, as well as mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

Alcohol Use Disorder: Signs and Symptoms

Do you have a drinking problem? Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a chronic, progressive disease that can lead to serious consequences if left untreated. If youโ€™re questioning your own drinking habits or those of someone close to you, itโ€™s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms associated with AUD.

What Is Alcohol Use Disorder?

Alcohol use disorder is defined as having difficulty controlling alcohol consumption even when physical, psychological, or social harm may result. When an individual drinks heavily for long periods of time without taking breaks, they are more likely to develop AUD.

Those who suffer from AUD may find themselves feeling guilty about their drinking behaviors but unable to stop drinking. AUD often results in physical and mental health problems.

Even More Signs and Symptoms of AUD

Signs and Symptoms of AUD

The signs and symptoms of alcohol use disorder can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Generally, individuals with AUD will experience changes in both their physical health and mental well-being. Signs that someone may have a problem with alcohol include:

  • Increased tolerance for alcohol
  • Drinking in dangerous situations
  • Losing interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking
  • Lying or making excuses about drinking habits
  • Unsuccessful attempts to cut back on drinking

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What are the Physical Health Effects of Alcohol Addiction?

People with AUD are at an increased risk of developing serious physical health problems, such as liver disease or heart damage. Other physical health problems associated with AUD may include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Memory lapses or blackouts

Mental Health Effects of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol use disorder can also have a significant impact on an individualโ€™s mental health. The most common mental illness associated with AUD are depression and anxiety. Other signs that someone is suffering from the mental effects of AUD may include:

  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing
  • Increased feelings of guilt and shame
  • Social withdrawal
  • Suicidal thoughts

Development of mental health disorders

How To Get Help For Your Alcoholic Spouse

Help For Alcoholic Spouse

If you have an alcoholic spouse, itโ€™s important to know that help is available. No matter how helpless or hopeless things may seem, there are steps you can take to get her the help she needs.

Be Frank and Supportive

Start by talking to her openly and honestly about the problem. Let her know that you care and want to support her in any way possible. It might be difficult for her to hear at first, but itโ€™s important that she knows you are not judging or criticizing herโ€”you just want her to get healthy and feel better.

Get Professional Assistance

The next step is finding professional help for your alcoholic spouse. This could include a doctor, psychiatrist, therapist, or rehabilitation center. Depending on the severity of the problem, it might also require inpatient care. Make sure that you understand what type of treatment is available and what it entails, so you can make an informed decision about the best course of action for your wife.

At Catalina Behavioral Health, we offer a free and confidential assessment service, to better help you and your spouse understand the severity of the situation and align you with the proper options for support.

Suggest Support Groups

In addition to professional help, there are several support groups dedicated to helping people with alcohol problems. These groups provide a safe place for your wife to talk openly and honestly about her struggles without feeling judged or criticized. Find out if there are any local meetings she could attend and offer to go with her at first until she feels comfortable attending on her own.

Look After Yourself

Finally, make sure that you take care of yourself too during this difficult time. Itโ€™s normal to feel overwhelmed and anxious when someone you love is struggling with addiction, but itโ€™s important to find ways to manage your stress. Consider joining a support group for family and friends of people with alcohol problems, or talk to a counselor if you need additional help.

Combined Alcohol and Substance Abuse

It is common to find alcohol abuse and substance abuse occurring together. As such, it can be difficult to know how to best help a spouse who has an alcohol problem. If you are concerned about your partnerโ€™s drinking, it is important that you reach out for support in order to create a safe environment both for her and for the family as a whole.

There may be underlying issues contributing to your wifeโ€™s drinking, such as depression or anxiety, which can accompany substance use disorders. It is important to create a safe space for her where she can talk about these issues without fear of judgment or criticism. Reaching out for professional help from therapists or addiction counselors might help her learn effective coping strategies and gain insights into why she began drinking in the first place, as well as what she can do to reduce her alcohol intake and substance abuse.

Alcohol Abuse and Co-Occurring Disorders

Alcohol Abuse and Co-Occurring Disorders

Many people with alcohol addiction also have underlying mental health issues. These are known as โ€œco-occurringโ€ conditions, and itโ€™s important to understand how both aspects can affect a personโ€™s life. Alcohol use disorders (AUD) are often accompanied by other psychological and psychiatric diagnoses, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD and alcohol use in particular are quite common in conjunction.

When a person has both an AUD and a mental health issue, they are considered to have a โ€œdual diagnosis.โ€ Unfortunately, there is often a stigma attached to this type of condition that prevents people from seeking help or discussing their struggle openly. This can lead to difficulties in managing both AUD and mental health issues at the same time.

Effective Treatment for Dual Diagnosis Clients

People with a dual diagnosis need to be treated for both conditions simultaneously, as there can be a negative feedback loop between them. For example, someone struggling with depression may turn to alcohol to cope, which can then worsen their depression.

Similarly, heavy drinking can cause an increase in anxiety and other mental health issues, as is often the case with complex trauma and alcohol abuse. When the two conditions are left untreated, the symptoms of each disorder can become stronger and more difficult to manage.

There are treatment options specifically designed for individuals with dual diagnosis. A combination of individual counseling, group therapy, medication management, and lifestyle changes can help individuals learn how to cope with both the AUD and their mental health condition.

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Choosing Catalina Behavioral Health for Alcohol Rehab and Recovery

To get your wife the alcohol treatment that she needs, contact Catalina Behavioral Health today. We can help your partner get back to wellness, no matter how bad things have gotten.

All calls are completely confidential and discreet, so please reach out now to get options for you both to have a new lease on life!

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