Home Alcohol and Drug Rehab Resources Is a Drug Test for Teens a Good Fit for My Child?
Is a Drug Test for Teens a Good Fit for My Child

Is a Drug Test for Teens a Good Fit for My Child?

by Isabella Coronel
Published: Updated:

Drug Testing for Teens and Adolescents and When to Seek Treatment

Young adult drug use is happening at unprecedented rates. Many kids have not developed the unshakable self-confidence needed to overcome peer pressure. Some teens also struggle with school, social relationships, or their home life, which can cause stress that contributes to adolescent substance use.

With so many risk factors, itโ€™s natural to worry about what your teen is doing when you arenโ€™t around. But does that mean that you should issue a drug test for teens? And, if they have a positive drug screen, what are the next steps?

Donโ€™t worry โ€“ we have the answers covered. Keep reading to learn more about the pros and cons of drug testing your teen, other signs of teenage drug use, and how Catalinaโ€™s accredited substance abuse program for adolescents and teens can set your loved one up for success.

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Should You Drug Test Your Teen?

Parents were once teenagers themselves, and that is one of the reasons they are wary of what their kids are doing when they arenโ€™t around. They may believe that teenagers lie to stay out of trouble. But are there any benefits of giving your teen random home drug tests if you suspect drug use?

The American Academy of Pediatrics does recommend drug testing when working closely with an addiction specialist. When paired with treatment, regular teen drug tests work as a preventive tool to discourage use.

When a counselor or parent does an at-home drug test, however, it can have negative impacts on the trusting relationship. Your teen may distance themselves from you or feel hurt by your concerns. For this reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend that parents administer teen drug tests at home.

How Drug Testing Effects the Parent-Child Relationship

How Drug Testing Effects the Parent-Child Relationship

Teenagers are rebellious. Even when you encourage openness and honesty, they may not tell you the truth if you start asking questions. And, if you start accusing them of using alcohol or drugs, thereโ€™s a possibility they may do it just to spite you.

Even after your teen has tested positive for alcohol or drug use, they may feel that you do not trust them if you force them to take drug tests. A false negative test can worsen this relationship if you punish them for failing. They may even use someone elseโ€™s urine, try drugs that cannot be detected on a drug test, or use other methods to escape detection.

What You Can Do Instead

If you are worried about your child using drugs, express your concerns to their pediatrician or a qualified behavioral health professional. Even if something else is going on, itโ€™s worth learning what your teen is struggling with.

There are also instances where your child might need to pass a drug test for an evaluation while participating in sports or if they have legal troubles. Consulting with a professional at Catalina can help answer any questions and help you decide how to proceed.

Signs of Teenage Drug Use

Being aware of the other symptoms of drug use can be useful if you suspect your teen is using alcohol or drugs. However, keep in mind that several types of mental issues and unmanaged stress can cause similar symptoms. Signs include:

  • Loss of interest or hobbies
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Mood swings or emotional overreactions
  • Increased anxiety or paranoia
  • Glazed-over or red eyes
  • Slurring
  • Worsening grades or skipping school
  • Hanging out with a new group of friends

Many parents panic about drug use without realizing that these concerns can also be related to depression, anxiety, or other mental issues. They can also result from high levels of stress.

For example, your child might struggle in the weeks before they have to perform on an important test. When you are unsure of what your teen is struggling with, reach out to Catalina for an intake screening and honest answers.

Are At-Home Tests Reliable?

At-Home Drug Test

There is no way to guarantee that your teen will not participate in alcohol or drug abuse just because you regularly give them an at-home drug test. And, there is a higher risk of a false positive or negative when using an at-home test. These are not as reliable as urine drug tests, saliva tests, blood tests, or hair tests from a medical professional.

Additionally, even though at-home tests do detect drugs, they are not as thorough as a medical drug screening. For example, a urine test might detect amphetamines or marijuana present, but it wonโ€™t donโ€™t detect psychedelics, alcohol, ketamine, or inhalants. Some drugs also are only detectable for up to 72 hours after use on a urine drug test.

There is also a risk of a false positive on home drug tests. Certain medications or foods might cause a false positive and when testing for marijuana substance use, it stays in the system so long itโ€™s impossible to know whether your teen has quit.

Finding Accredited Substance Abuse Treatment for Teenagers

Unfortunately, 75% of high school students have admitted to using addictive substances including nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, benzodiazepines, cocaine, amphetamines, and psychedelics. Twelve percent of these teens also meet the criteria for a substance use disorder.

Even though 12% of adolescents is a lot, there are not as many high-quality addiction programs for teenagers as there are for adults. Catalina Behavioral Health aims to change that with our accredited Artemis Adolescent Healing Program.

We provide inpatient and outpatient treatment options for teens who are struggling with alcohol use, drug use, or mental health. Following admission, your child will consult with one of our experts on a substance abuse assessment. This information will be used to craft a personalized addiction program, leading to better long-term results.

Catalina also accepts some forms of AHCCCS, as well as many commercial insurance plans. We make it easier for your teen to get professional help, regardless of insurance coverage.

Elements of a Comprehensive Treatment Plan

Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Plan for Teens at Catalina

Whether you decide that inpatient or outpatient care is best for your teen, we use a holistic approach to healing rather than stand alone treatment. Elements of our addiction programs include individual therapy, group counseling, medication management, sub-acute detox, nutritional support, and recreational therapies.

Through the course of treatment, your teen will work closely with a qualified mental health professional who can give them insight into the reason(s) they are struggling with alcohol or drug use. Theyโ€™ll focus on finding motivations to stay clean and learn coping strategies for those times when they are at risk of relapse.

Family therapy may also be recommended. This helps teens express their needs to their parents and discuss past issues in a non-judgmental environment. Family therapy also helps you learn how to best support your teen if they are struggling with addiction or mental health issues.

By teaching skills using evidence-based programs, rather than just focusing on helping your adolescent detox, we help them lay a strong foundation for continued sobriety.

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Give Your Teen Solid Support for Recovery at Catalina

As parents, we want what is best for our teenagers. Sometimes, that comes in the form of helping them seek treatment, even if they resist our help.

You can do whatโ€™s best for them by reaching out to Catalina. With customized treatment plans and unmatched levels of support, together we can change the path your teen has wandered down. It is never too late to get them help and turn their lives around.


  1. https://drugfree.org/reports/adolescent-substance-use-americas-1-public-health-problem/
  2. https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/133/6/e20140865/76085/Testing-for-Drugs-of-Abuse-in-Children-and?autologincheck=redirected

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